Financial Inclusion for Africa

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Simple & Secure Payment Process

Connecting Your Loan Needs

Apply For Loan

Simple & Secure Payment Process

Connecting Your Loan Needs

Apply For Loan

Quick Payment Process

Our loans will fulfill your dreams

Supporting Financial Inclusion

Targets the underserved/unserved

Licenced Financial Institution

Regulated to carry out non-bank financial services

Our loan products

Personal Loan

Salary based advances payable on payday.

Education Loan

Loans to cater for school fees for parents who are in employment.

Business Loan

Financial support to MSMEs for working capital basis on a short term.

Our promise

Flexible and quick business loans for you

With numerous MSMEs that have huge potential for growth but lack appropriate funding, our promise is to assist this sector of the economy to grow through provision of affordable loan facilities.

Affordable Rates on All Loans

99.9% Success Rate Guaranteed

Flexible Repayments

Trusted Financial Partner

Our fast and efficient customer service make's us a partner of choice

Our target market is the underserved business community, providing flexible and affordable financial services.

  • Personal Loan
  • Car / Auto Loan
  • Business Loan
  • Education / Student Loan
  • Wedding Loan

Easy loan solutions for individuals and businesses


Submit Required Documents and Details for loan approval

Customer Testimonials

Kale Kale zoona ,you are the best.

Your requirements are straight forward. I will surely visit Kasama agency.

I enjoyed the reception at the Mansa agency, they are the best. Thank you Bsquare Mansa team.

Why Choose Us?

Professional Team

Our friendly and experienced staff are ready to provide you with the best customer service that is unmatched.

Quick Payments

Less documentation with quick approval process.


Loans applied for are approved




Staff Members


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